Assessment of Perceived Stress and Associated Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Arba Minch Town, Ethiopia, 2020


  • Abdi Deksisa Author
  • Wubshet Estifanos Author
  • Gesila Endashaw Author
  • Wondu Abera Author
  • Kassahun Beyene Author
  • Hinsermu Bayu Author
  • Getu Megersa Author



Antenatal care, Ethiopia, perceived stress, pregnant women


 Background: Perceived stress is a real or apparent inconsistency between environmental demands required for survival and an individual’s capacity to adjust to these requirements. Worldwide stress is a very common problem. Females are at increased risk to develop perceived stress in antepartum period. Stress during pregnancy has serious effects for both the mother and newborn. However this problem doesn’t get adequate attention in Ethiopia.
Methods: Institution based cross-sectional study was employed. Data were collected using structured pretested questionnaire from 460 mothers by using systematic sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression was used. In bivariable analysis variables with P value <0.25 were transferred to final model. Both crude and adjusted odd ratio with 95% confidence interval were used to report strength of association and statistical significance declared at p-value < 0.05 in multivariable analysis.
Results: The magnitude of perceived stress during pregnancy was 23.1% (95% CI; 19.16- 26.96%). Multigravida (AOR= 3.95, 95% CI; 1.94 – 8.02), antenatal care initiation <16 weeks of gestation (AOR= 2.05, 95% CI; 1.18 – 3.57), first trimester (AOR= 3.03, 95% CI; 1.34 – 6.85) and unplanned pregnancy (AOR= 4.32, 95% CI; 2.55 – 7.31) were associated factors of perceived stress during pregnancy.
Conclusion: The findings showed that the magnitude of perceived stress during pregnancy is high. Appropriate measures should be taken to improve multigravida women emotional level and pregnant women should be encouraged to initiate ANC early. Special attention should be given to women in 1st trimester and with unplanned pregnancy




How to Cite

Assessment of Perceived Stress and Associated Factors among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care at Arba Minch Town, Ethiopia, 2020. (2024). Arsi Journal of Science and Innovation , 7(2), 66-81.