Asymmetrical Patterns of Ethnic and National Attachment in Ethiopia: Description of Causes and Patterns


  • Yechale Degu Zenebe Author
  • Merera Gudina Author



Asymmetric Attachment, Ethnic Attachment, National Attachment, Nation Building


 Ethnic attachment is powerful motivators of political behavior in Ethiopia. There are evidences
which display dramatic changes in identification in favor of ethnicity in Ethiopia. However, the
source of their salience in political and social affairs remains debated. This article aims to
describe the causes of asymmetric patterns of ethnic and national attachment in Ethiopia‟s four
ethnic groups that comprises more than 80% of its population. The article used a synthesis of
primary and secondary datum to describe the causes of attachment asymmetry. It found that there
are distinctive far historical and near contemporary conditions that influence the politics of group
attachment in Ethiopia. Among Tigres, Oromos and Somalis attachment to own identity is not
strongly influenced by the current political development which is the major reason for Amharas‟
growing attachment to their own sub-identity.


