Assessment of Challenges of Horticultural Crops Production due to COVID-19, in Arsi Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia


  • Shambel Abebe Author
  • Kedir Ahmed Author
  • Damtew Fufa Author



Impact of COVID-19, Horticultural Crops, Production


Currently, COVID-19 pandemic disease has a great capacity to increase the food insecurity of the country due to preventions of resources mobilization and movement restriction that may affect crops production, inputs and products transport. Survey was conducted during April, 2020 on current Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak pandemic disease challenges on horticultural crops production in Arsi zone on six districts which located at different agro-ecologies. Data were collected by preparation of semi- structured questionnaires, interviews and through personal observations. The respondents have 100% information about COVID-19 pandemic disease form different information sources and they have been discussed with their families about the challenges of COVID-19 on the horticultural crops production. The respondents would be faced shortage of seeds/planting materials, lack of fertilizers, and chemicals from the market due to the impact of COVID-19. Most of the respondents, have no any others opportunities to obtain seeds, fertilizers and chemicals. As a result it was concluded that, the households required more advice, motivation, awareness creation and training from agricultural experts and other stockholders.




How to Cite

Assessment of Challenges of Horticultural Crops Production due to COVID-19, in Arsi Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. (2024). Arsi Journal of Science and Innovation , 5(1), 32-47.