Acquaintance or Stranger? Chief Executive officer’s Temporal Focus and Target Choice in Corporate Acquisition


  • Nuru M. Ahmed Author
  • Jianfeng Wu Author



Alliance, partnership, CEO temporal focus, Organizational slack, Target choice


The selection of a potential target for acquisition is an important yet underexplored topic in strategic management. Using a multidimensional framework of Chief executive officer (CEO) temporal focus, this study proposes that the choice of an acquiring firm between a target with previous alliances and that with no alliance is predicted by the temporal focus of CEOs (future, present, and past). In addition, such a relationship is contingent on organizational slack. Analysis of 336 global acquisition deals from two high technological industries reveals that firms headed by CEOs with strong future/present focus are likely to acquire targets that have no alliances with their companies. By contrast, CEOs with a strong past focus are likely to acquire targets that have previous alliances with their firms. However, increased organizational slack reduces the past-focused CEOs’ probability of acquiring previous partners.




How to Cite

Acquaintance or Stranger? Chief Executive officer’s Temporal Focus and Target Choice in Corporate Acquisition. (2022). Arsi Journal of Science and Innovation , 7(2), 38-65.