Identification of Postharvest Loss Determinants of Small Scale Onion Farm Holders in Lode Hetosa District of Arsi Zone, Ethiopia as Basis for Appropriate Interventions


  • Samuel Mezemir Yimenu Author



Postharvest onion handling, Farm level loss, Multiple linear regression model, Loss determinant factor


 Onion has significant economic importance in Ethiopia. Although quantitative evidence is limited, postharvest loss in onion is considerably high. This study was aimed at identifying determinants of postharvest losses of onion at the farmer level and conducted from January to August 2014 in Lode Hetosa district of Arsi zone located in Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. Primary data were collected from smallholder onion farmers via household survey, focus group discussions and key informant interviews as well as field based observations. A total of 50 farmers were surveyed to collect primary data and postharvest losses were assessed at farm level. Data were analysed by descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression model. The total postharvest loss of onion at farmer level was found to be 25.4%, mainly because of poor cultural practices and disease attack during production and harvesting as well as poor handling practices, storage and transport. The higher proportion of losses (10%) was observed at transport to market level The model regression results showed that gender of household head, level of education, time of harvest, use of ventilated storage facility, storage cooling system, and package capacity AJSI Vol. 3, Issue 2 October, 201856 explained 57% (Adjusted R2 0.563) of the variation in the onion loss at farm level. Storage before market and variety used were also found to determine onion loss at p<0.1 significance level. Generally, pre- and postharvest management practices for enhancing shelf-life and marketability of onion, such as produce handling skills and use and management of storage facilities were lacking in the study area. The smallholder farmers in the study area need necessary support and complementary resources to reduce postharvest farm level onion losses. Onion farmers and development agents in the study area need capacity building interventions to improve skills in postharvest handling practices.


